Quintodécimo Kaléndas Aprilis. Luna.


Quintodécimo Kaléndas Aprilis.  Luna. The Eighteenth Day of March. The Night of the Moon.

Hierosólymis sancti Cyrílli Epíscopi, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris; qui, ab Ariánis multas pro fidei causa perpéssus injúrias et ex Ecclésia sua sæpe depúlsus, tandem, sanctitátis glória clarus, in pace quiévit. Ipsíus porro intemerátam fidem prima Constantinopolitána Synodus œcuménica, sancto Dámaso Papæ scribens, præcláro testimónio commendávit. At Jerusalem, St. Cyril, bishop, who suffered many injuries from the Arians for the faith. Often exiled from his church, he at length rested in peace with a great reputation for sanctity. A magnificent testimony of the purity of his faith is given by the first ecumenical Council of Constantinople in a letter to Pope Damasus. Cæsaréæ, in Palæstína, natális beáti Alexándri Epíscopi, qui de Cappadócia, ex própria civitáte, ubi erat Epíscopus, sanctórum locórum desidério Hierosólymam pétiit; atque ibi, cum a Narcísso, ejúsdem urbis Epíscopo, jam sene, illa regerétur Ecclésia, ipsíus gubernácula, divína edóctus revelatióne, suscépit. Póstmodum vero, in persecutióne Décii, cum jam longævæ ætátis veneránda canítie præfúlgeret, ductus est Cæsaréam, et clausus in cárcere, ob confessiónem Christi, martyrium complévit. At Caesarea in Palestine, the birthday of the blessed Bishop Alexander, who, from his own city in Cappadocia, where he was bishop, coming to Jerusalem to visit the holy places, took upon himself, by divine revelation, the government of that church in place of the aged Narcissus. Sometime afterwards, when he had become venerable by his age and gray hair, he was led to Caesarea and shut up in prison, where he completed his martyrdom for the confession of Christ during the persecution of Decius. Augústæ sancti Narcíssi Epíscopi, qui primus in Rhǽtia Evangélium prædicávit; deínde in Hispániam profectus est, et, cum Gerúndæ multos ad Christi fidem convertísset, ibídem, in persecutióne Diocletiáni Imperatóris, una cum Felíce Diácono, martyrii palmam accépit. At Augsburg, St. Narcissus, bishop, who was the first to preach the Gospel in the Tyrol. Afterwards, setting out for Spain, he converted many to the faith of Christ at Gerona, and there, along with the deacon Felix, he received the palm of martyrdom during the persecution of Diocletian. Nicomedíæ sanctórum decem míllium Mártyrum, qui, pro Christi confessióne, gládio percússi sunt. At Nicomedia, ten thousand holy martyrs, who were put to the sword for the confession of Christ. Ibídem sanctórum Mártyrum Tróphimi et Eucárpii. In the same place, the holy martyrs Trophimus and Eucarpius. In Británnia sancti Eduárdi Regis, qui, dolis novércæ necátus, multis miráculis cláruit. In England, St. Edward, king, who was assassinated by order of his treacherous stepmother, and became celebrated for many miracles. Lucæ, in Túscia, natális sancti Frigdiáni Epíscopi, virtúte miraculórum illústris. At Lucca in Tuscany, the birthday of the holy bishop Fridian, who was illustrious by the power of working miracles. Mántuæ sancti Ansélmi, Epíscopi Lucénsis et Confessóris. At Mantua, St. Anselm, bishop and confessor. Cárali, in Sardínia, sancti Salvatóris ab Horta Confessóris, ex Ordine Fratrum Minórum, qui virtútibus et singulári miraculórum dono cláruit, et a Pio Papa Undécimo inter sanctos Cǽlites adnumerátus est. At Cagliari in Sardinia, St. Salvatore of Orte, confessor, a member of the Order of Friars Minor, who was numbered among the heavenly saints by Pope Pius XI, because he was graced with every virtue and had been given by God the gift of performing outstanding miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

March XVIII.
St. Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem, Martyr
St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem, Confessor
Appendix on the Writings of St. Cyril of Jerusalem
St. Edward, King and Martyr
St. Anselm, Bishop of Lucca, Confessor
St. Fridian, Erigdian, or Frigdian, Bishop of Lucca, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam II in Quadragesima ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: 

More than 100 Christians Slain as Herdsmen Burn Homes, Chuch Buildings in Nigeria

Air Force Academy Removes Bible Verse From Cadet’s Whiteboard

Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead Two Christians

Asia Bibi’s Trial Begins

Attacks on Memorial Crosses Multiply

Kim Jong-Un Orders Execution Of 33 People For Contact With Christian Missionary

Nigeria: Boko Haram—Over 500 Catholics killed and 20 churches and priests houses destroyed since 2009

It’s About to Get Real

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after Atheist’s protest

Woman in Sweden Denied Work as Midwife for Refusing to Perform Abortions

Muslim Extremists Sabotaged Church Foundations In A Village Near Okara

Are Middle Eastern Christians Considered Collateral Damage?

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Open Season on Christians in Libya

Syrian Believers are running out of options

Churches Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Zanzibar, Tanzania

U.S. Supreme High Court turns away homeschoolers’ request for asylum

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why Has Boko-Haram’s Attacks Continued Unchecked?

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s dhimmi pact for the Christians of Raqqa province

Sudan Arrests Pastor During Sermon, Threatens Him

Mainstream Media Mum on Atrocities Against Christians

Islamist Militia Group in Libya Suspected in Killing of Seven Coptic Christians

Religious Leaders In CAR Calling For Calm : “Churches and mosques must be rid of armed infiltrators”

WRITE TO ENCOURAGE Pastor Behnam Irani imprisoned in Iran

Filmmakers address plight of Middle East Christians

Iowa State removing Bibles from hotel guest rooms

Burma (Myanmar): Ethnic Cleansing of Christian Kachin

Syrian town of Saidnaya battles armed groups

Enquiry Of Increased Violence In CAR

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated