Quarto Nonas Mártii. Luna


Quarto Nonas Mártii. Luna. The Fourth Day of March.  The Night of the Moon. 

Vilnæ, in Lithuánia, beáti Casimíri Confessóris, e Casimíro Rege progéniti; quem Leo Décimus, Románus Póntifex, in Sanctórum númerum rétulit. At Vilnius in Lithuania, blessed Casimir, confessor, the son of King Casimir, whom Pope Leo X inscribed in the roll of the saints.

Romæ, via Appia, natális sancti Lúcii Primi, Papæ et Mártyris; qui, primo in persecutióne Valeriáni ob Christi fidem exsílio relegátus, et póstmodum divíno nutu ad Ecclésiam suam redíre permíssus, tandem, cum plúrimum advérsus Novatiános laborásset, cápitis obtruncatióne martyrium complévit. Eum vero sanctus Cypriánus summis láudibus celebrávit. At Rome, on the Appian Way, during the persecution of Valerian, the birthday of St. Lucius, pope and martyr, who was first exiled for the faith of Christ, but being permitted by divine Providence to return to his church, after labouring long against the Novatians, he suffered martyrdom by beheading. His praises have been published by St. Cyprian.

Nicomedíæ sancti Hadriáni Mártyris, cum áliis vigínti tribus, qui omnes, sub Diocletiáno Imperatóre, martyrium crurifrágio consummárunt. Eórum relíquiæ, a Christiánis Byzántium delátæ, reverénti honóre sepúltæ fuérunt; inde póstea sancti Hadriáni corpus Romam translátum fuit sexto Idus Septémbris, quo die festívitas ejus potíssimum celebrátur. At Nicomedia, in the reign of Emperor Diocletian, the martyr St. Adrian and twenty-three others, who endured martyrdom by having their limbs crushed. Their remains were taken to Byzantium by the Christians, and buried there with reverence and honour. Afterwards the body of St. Adrian was transferred to Rome on the 8th of September, on which day his feast is observed.
Romæ, via Appia, sanctórum Mártyrum nongentórum, qui pósiti sunt in cœmetério ad sanctam Cæcíliam. At Rome, on the Appian Way, nine hundred holy martyrs who were buried in the cemetery of St. Cecilia.
Apud Chersonésum pássio sanctórum Episcopórum Basilíi, Eugénii, Agathodóri, Elpídii, Æthérii, Capitónis, Ephræm, Néstoris et Arcádii. In Chersonesus, the passion of the saintly bishops, Basil, Eugene, Agathodorus, Elpidius, Aetherius, Capito, Ephrem, Nestor, and Arcadius.
Eódem die sancti Caji Palatíni, in mare demérsi, et aliórum vigínti septem. On the same day, St. Caius Palatinus and twenty-seven others who were cast into the sea.
Item pássio sanctórum Archelái, Cyrílli et Phótii. Also, the passion of Saints Archelaus, Cyril and Photius.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

March IV.
St. Casimir, Prince of Poland
St. Lucius, Pope and Martyr
St. Adrian, Bishop of St. Andrews in Scotland, Martyr

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